The entry below was written while at a Blogging Workshop.I sit here at this computer wondering what I should write about. We could write about anything on our minds, but I tend to have many things going on in my mind. They are all important and for the most part interesting, so it is hard to choose. I will talk about a book that I am reading. It's called Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Frankly, this book is starting to bore me to death. It seems so similar to the Da Vinci Code. Both contain a young woman with a father (or father figure) who was murdered for possessing secrets that could destroy a specified establishment. Both include crazed assassins (or hassasin as described in Angels and Demons). The Da Vinci code had an extremely boring ending as I anticipate this one will. Will I find the same character and situational types over and over again in each Dan Brown novel? If this book does not "pick up" and captivate me, it will be the last Dan Brown novel I ever buy.
Well, I don't mind reading more than one book at a time. Other books I am trying to read are Don Quixote and short stories by Franz Kafka. I would not call either of them interesting, but required. It is my personal belief that I should be well read. Even if I don't like a book, I'll try to find something worth the effort of reading it. Don Quixote is a world renowned classic. I'd like to know what's inside of it. I would not call the book a complete bore. I am saying that it takes a lot for a book to keep my attention. I am afraid I don't have much to say about the Kafka stories at this time. A book as to be phenomenal in my eyes in order for me to enjoy it.

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