Saturday, December 16, 2006


The war in Iraq cannot be won militarily. Iraq has been in existence much longer than the US has. It's futile to think that we can change things through military might.

Why is the Duke "rape" case still in the news? It's obvious that there is no evidence. Why is anyone still wasting time? That's easy. The story creates headlines.

It appears that whenever we hear something about Nicole Richie, it's negetive.

Why don't conservatives think for themselves? Why don't liberals do the same? Independents can think for all of us.


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At 11:40 AM, Blogger Linda L Rucker said...

Well, lets see here. Iraq? You're right, it can not be won militarily. But, I have to wonder if it's even worth trying to win? Stupid place, killing each other off. Religion at core of the battles, U.S soldiers merely casualties of a Holy war that has been raging for centuries. let em sort it out themselves, I say.
The Duke rape case is still in the news because the victim ( if she really was a victim) is pregant, no make that just gave birth. And it was a slow news day!
Nicole Richie? Who cares? I rather suspect that as long as she has her name in the news, she could care less about the slant!
I prefer to think for myself. As long as there are liberals like the Kennedy taking up breathing space in congress, I think I might have better luck making my own decisions!
Have a great day!

At 11:22 PM, Blogger Isis McGowan said...

The Iraq war can't be won politically or militarily. And now the nuts are trying to start another stupid war with Iran over the smokescreen of its uranium enrichment program.

The Duke case is still news? Wow. I thought that was done and over with a couple months ago. Guess something new cropped up.

Nicole who?

I consider myself a liberal progressive. With the ability to think for myself while annoying everyone else.


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