Sunday, January 07, 2007

BRAVO OPRAH!!!!!!!!!!
I'd have to say I'm not surprised that some are criticizing Oprah for building a $40 million school in South Africa instead of in the United States. As an inner-city public high school teacher myself, I thank Oprah for building a school where her efforts will be appreciated (yes, I mean what you think I mean). Think that's harsh? Try teaching groups of students who have cell phones, expensive sneakers, handbags, clothes, etc. Yet, it is common to hear, "I don't have a pen, a notebook, or my homework." Students rarely do homework in a good number of inner-city high schools. Don't believe me? Take a survey of teachers who work in the inner-city. Instead of pointing fingers at Oprah, we should point them back where they the citizens who make up the inner-cities. Talk about priorities...

Of course you will find motivated students in the inner-cities. I can't say it's true of the majority. In the future, that majority will have no leg to stand on when blaming "the man" for keeping them down.

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At 7:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with you completely. I was a product of inner city schools. The cynicism and jadedness was almost too much for me to handle. The honors students were looked down on by teachers and "regular" students alike.

It's hard to determine--if we made good schools, will the students become more interested in education, or will they simply scoff? When I was in high school, all I wanted was to attend a decent high school. However, I know this is not the case with most students. People here take education for granted, to the point where they'd rather do anything than go to school.

Maybe Oprah's choice will be an eye-opener to students in the US.


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