Tuesday, June 06, 2006


It's been an unbelievable and amazing ride reading the testimonies of ex-christians recently. The ride didn't begin there. My mind raced back to the numerous online battles I have had with atheists over the past few years. When I take those memories and mix them in with my current situation questioning everything I believe, I come to one crucial conclusion. I see absolutely no logical nor reasonable argument in favor of atheism. As far as I am concerned, to say that the universe and all life came to be without a divine designer is like saying the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, the computer, etc just came into existence without being created. Of course someone will say, "there is proof that those things were created." That is true without question. I'd ask who determines proof? Can one decide for me what proof is? No they cannot. The proof I have of God is all the proof I need. The proof I speak of has nothing to do with a euphoric feeling one gets while in church. It has nothing to do with watching people shout, scream, run around, or cry while in worship. Don't get me wrong, I am not against those things. However, I must admit one thing: 99.999% OF THE TIME, I FEEL ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DURING PRAYER OR WORSHIP. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? IT ISN'T NECESSARY FOR ME TO FEEL ANYTHING. I SIMPLY HAVE TO KNOW BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT GOD IS WITH ME AT ALL TIMES. Is my point clear enough, LOL?

Before anyone tries to throw in the THEORY of evolution, allow me to provide a breaking newsflash: EVOLUTION DOES NOT PROVE THAT GOD DOES NOT EXIST. It is a theory that attempts to explain how populations change over time. Some well meaning Christians believe in evolution, some do not.

Here are some interesting websites that I found:

Evolution: Change: Life's Grand Design

Evolution: Humans

Charles Darwin-- I find it interesting that his already fragile faith was completely shattered after the death of his young daughter. I find that many people (not all, but many) lose their faith after tragedies and disappointments.

Charles Darwin's views on religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'd also like to add the thesis statement of many ex-Christians, "The more I studied, the less I believed in the bible, God, or both." That is the controlling idea often echoed by ex-born-agains but now current free-thinkers. Well, I have literally spent hours at a time studying arguments against Christianity as well as the Bible. The alleged bible contradictions, so-called pagan origins of Christianity are nothing new to my ears. I have heard it all. Perhaps I will create a blog showing why the accusations of pagan origins hold no weight. Btw, don't go ballistic over the term "controlling idea." English teachers in New York will get the idea.

hhhmmm, today is day 6-6-6. I noticed my 16 month-old niece playing with the telephone on Saturday. When she handed me the phone,I looked at the digital display. She had pressed 666. I'm not joking either. But you know what? Who cares, LOL?

Conclusion Number One= God "still" exists

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