Wednesday, November 22, 2006



I was never a huge fan of Seinfeld's show. The few times I did watch it was because of Kramer. He was hilarious and made the show fun to watch. So imagine being a fan of someone who obviously can't stand you. His feelings against black people are blatantly obvious now. He used the N word over and over again. That's no accident. If the seed of racism was not buried deep inside of him, that maniacal episode would not have taken place. This makes me wonder who else in liberal Hollywood is a rabid racist. I am fans of many white celebrities but I am now skeptical. I'd rather not admire anyone who has no respect for me. What I don't know won't hurt me? Actually, it doesn't hurt, but annoys me. We shall see which celebrity will show their true nature to the world next. If I could ask Richards a question it would be:

Hey Richards. What did you think of Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant?

I listened to an interesting radio show the other day. Monique, another former fan of Michael Richards, basically dedicated her show to the now disgraced comedian. The song of the day was "I'm black and I'm proud" by James Brown. Not to knock her or anything, but I don't need racist incidents like this to remind myself that I should embrace my blackness. It is almost as though some people really feel that their self-worth was damaged because of Richards. That certainly isn't true of me. That is not to say that it is necessarily true of her either.

OK, what's next? LOL

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