Writing fiction has turned out to be much more difficult than I could ever have imagined. Upon reading this opening scene, one would never guess the direction this story would take. I am not yet sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it depends on the story. I need to determine if my story can survive with a beginning such as this:Chapter 1- Her unending discontent leads to disaster
“Hey Ms. Maxwell, I was going to cut your class at first but forget it. The dean and his motley crew of cannibalistic assistants would almost certainly capture me. Who wants to waste time trapped in in-school suspension? On second thought, that might be better than rotting in this hellhole with an ogre like you. Anything would be better than your stupid class.”
Ms. Maxwell trotted over to Claire’s desk and shot her a look that made her blood boil. “Claire, sit down and get to work!” she demanded.
Feeling far from intimidated, Claire returned fire with a gaze that caused Ms. Maxwell to take two steps backward. She yelled, “No! You get back to work, Ms. Maxwell! Your class is boring as hell! Look at this disgusting place.” Claire looked around the room at the sky blue walls with painted clouds. The classroom bulletin board contained outdated student work. “Here it is April, and you still have work up about the holiday season.” Claire found no beauty in the efforts her teacher made to beautify the classroom.
“Ya know what else? You can’t even teach. How on earth did you get this job? The way you look certainly didn’t get you hired. Honey, if looks had anything to do with it, you would have been rejected upon first sight. God, the sight of you makes me wanna puke. Now get out of my face!” Claire’s defiance sent shockwaves through Ms. Maxwell’s body. She was verbally paralyzed.
“Do you have any idea how ugly you are? You should be more worried about that screwed up hairdo than what I’m doing right now.” She looked at Ms. Maxwell’s curly hair that appeared as though it were filled with dust. “Hello,” Claire taunted her. “The bird’s nest look has never been in. Oh wait! You probably have a spider web holding it together.” A clamor of laughter sprang out from her classmates. “God, I can’t stand you. For the life of me, I can’t understand why the principal won’t get rid of you as soon as humanly possible. You should be more like me, Ms. Maxwell. I’m hot. You can’t get any better than this,” Claire boasted as she arrogantly pranced in front of her classmates switching her hips from side to side.
“One day, I’ll find a man who’ll worship me. He’ll treat me like the queen I am. I can just picture him waiting on me hand and foot. Don’t you wish you had a man, Ms. Maxwell?” The bell rang just as she finished her last emotional rant against the teacher. “Now that is what I call saved by the bell. I’m getting out of this friggin class. Who knows? I may send you some crumbs from my spectacular wedding cake. Bye, Bye Ms. Maxwell.”